Madonna Teachers College (Kenya)
Teachers College is located near Eldoret, a city in Kenya’s Rift Valley. It was officially founded by the Roman Catholic Church of Kenya in 2009 and is run by Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Jesus. Sister Luciana Wanyahoro, one of UWAO former members who once lived in Syracuse as a missionary and who continues to support UWAO from a distance, is the founding and current Principal of the College. Since the founding of Madonna College, UWAO has sent a couple of contributions of $350 each to support this fledgling young institution that has many needs, including tanks for water storage; classroom and residential spaces; bursaries for economically disadvantaged students and others. On top of the group effort, individual members of UWAO have provided extra funding (the Mugo family), or visited the college in person and participated in teaching (Penina Kamina).
Sister Luciana’s reports indicate that UWAO’s donations have been used in the water tank project and also in providing bursaries for economically challenged students who would have had to face expulsion marking the end of their educational dreams. Apparently, one of the recipients of our donation graduated as a top performer and is viewed as a model of success. Along with others donners, Sister says UWAO has played a role in making Madonna one of the best evaluated colleges in the Republic of Kenya, in terms of academic performance as well as other areas such as drama, music and sports. This is all in keeping with the objectives of UWAO which believes in promoting education and other opportunities for all, especially the disadvantaged.